
Showing posts from December, 2022

Don't Waste Time! 10 Facts Until You Reach Your Header

Marketplace Glossary Drawing heavily on the anthropological literature, Benedicktsson argues that a distinct type of Melanesian market that is substantially different to other Asian markets, can be identified. The key characteristics of the PNG market are that it is dominated by producer-sellers, most of whom are women. Prices are set at the start of the day's trade, and rarely change. At the end of the day's trade, produce is not cleared, but rather is taken away for the seller's private consumption or is distributed among kin and close family. The Greeks organised trade into separate zones, all located near the city centre and known as stoa. A freestanding colonnade with a covered walkway, the stoa was both a place of commerce and a public promenade, situated within or adjacent to the agora. At the market-place in Athens, officials were employed by the government to oversee weights, measures, and coinage to ensure that the people were not cheated in market place transa